Moon Shadows En La Madrugada
Nice moon this morning casting supplemental light for my two Cateye Opticubes. I very nice touch indeed. I made me think that it would be nice I had full moonlight on the trip. It's not going to happen that way though and when I get to the Davis Mountains and can see the stars so vivid and bright I will be glad the moon is big today.
It was nice a cool this morning, I could get accustomed to that. As we all occupy some sort of geographical space, mine during the weekday is close to another geographical space where a huge football game will be played tomorrow. This morning, there are already bunches of tents, trailers, and generally special occasion urban campers staking out a claim so they can have a tailgate party for the football game of the year. I will ride my bike home and watch it on tv.
<-- Jumangi told me about the moon and cool air, but I didn't really get it until I had already said goodbye and was out in it. My 50's generation influence as you may have noticed allows me to use the term "Cool Cat" or "Cool Kat", as a term of endearment for people. But this guy here is truly one of those COOL CATS
It was nice a cool this morning, I could get accustomed to that. As we all occupy some sort of geographical space, mine during the weekday is close to another geographical space where a huge football game will be played tomorrow. This morning, there are already bunches of tents, trailers, and generally special occasion urban campers staking out a claim so they can have a tailgate party for the football game of the year. I will ride my bike home and watch it on tv.
