Mother Of Atrocities

When did the term "Mother Nature" come into language and thought? Some sources say that the English language started using the phrase around the 1660's. Based on Ancient Greek schools of thought, philosophers thought up the word Nature when they figured out the concept of the world as being a whole thing. But it wasn't that easy back then because it took a long time, well it seems like a long time back then, to decide what should go into this nature being. Some things like stars and moon were left out for a while. Now looking back, it seems like, in Earth's time clock, it wasn't that long ago after all. Some of us think that the Universe, stars, moon Earth, and You were made by GOD. I DO. I think that one day He snapped his fingers and creation set in motion, or maybe it was one night. Was that the Big Bang I heard a while ago? Us humans have thought of a lot of things since we were handed a brain and a conscious mind, too many things to list them all here. But giving thanks to our maker or not caring, being nice, being mean, planning the future, worrying about the past, living in the now, and keeping a clean house are just a few to mention.
Since we thought up psyche, that we all have a psyche, a mind and a soul, we think we're pretty smart. Most of us believe that GOD feeds our soul, and life's trials and triumphs feeds our will to live. The world has such a strong will to live, everything on this planet has deemed its first priority to procreate.
But what about Mother? Why are we killing our Mother? Some of us think that Mother Earth is so big and powerful that she is in destructive, that when she has enough, she will just kill the rash. But I've seen the mange on a dog that killed it slowly.
Where is it all going to end? Any Clue? If your psyche is working, do you think that Mother has a psyche too?


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